
Cha Tea House


Cha Tea House

Cha Tea House is a tea company that believes in the essence and spirit of the tea experience. Our range of teas are sought out for their high quality and peak freshness and are supplied directly from the source. We select only the finest organic teas in Taiwan with a focus on maintaining harmony and balance. To emphasize quality over quantity, our farms adhere to organic farming methods that both respect the land and preserve the soil fertility.

Cha Tea House believes that the process of drinking tea should be a blissful and stress-free experience. This is brought to life in the branding. Warm and light colors are used to represent when milk is added into the tea. The simple design reflects the also simple ingredients that are used in our tea.


Cha Tea House is a fictional Tea Shop that sells hand-picked, premium artisan tea.

The word “Cha” means tea in many languages across Asia such as Bengali/Bangla, Cantonese, Korean, Sinhalese, and Tibetan.

The Cha Tea House logo was inspired by traditional Japanese tea houses called Chashitsu’s. The logo draws inspiration from the curved and pointed roof as well as the boxy square body of the house.

cha logo-01.png

Fresh Teas-


Fog Series-